Thursday, April 25, 2013

Its been great

With the semester coming to an end, I think its only right that I reflect on my blogging experience. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but I can defiantly say that I have learned a lot. Blogging on a weekly basis kept me in check, so procrastination wasn't an option. Although I did procrastinate a couple of times. But hey, what college kid doesnt?

Coming into this assignment, I was slightly nervous. Simply because I had never actually blogged before. Also, as my professor listed everything we had to do, it seemed as if the class would be a heavy workload that I wouldn't have been able to handle. The primary motivating factor in me doing the blogs, is the fact that we got to choose our own blog topics. A light bulb went off in my head when I heard this news. Instantly I thought about my love and appreciation for music.

I didn't want to just create a blog doing music reviews, no; that would be too easy. So after thinking about it for a while, I decided to do my blog on music of different genres, and analyze the lyrics and tone to the songs. This way I wouldn't just be saying if the music was good or not. I'd be taking it in depth and actually defining lyrics. There is already a lot of blogs out there doing music reviews. I wanted to be somewhat different.

As the posts went on, they got somewhat easier to do. I was getting extremely comfortable with blogging. Its almost as if it was coming natural to me. And the fact that I was getting research practice at the same time as blogging was just a plus.

I can definetly say that this was a great experience. Blogging about your favorite songs, and practicing research skills. What could possibly be greater than that? Sadly, I know for a fact that this blog will not continue. Being a working college student, my schedule is always hectic so I most likely wont be able to post. But if I do find time and a song that urges me to post about it, I will possibly consider it.

As a farewell, I'm going to leave you with a music video of one of my favorite artists out now; Casey Veggies. The song is called "Faces", and its off of his newest mixtape called "Life Changes".  Vibe to it.

1 comment:

  1. The ideas you share here are quite important. I just wish you had given the text a good final proofread (for spelling and missing punctuation) so that your excellent content wouldn't get lose amid the little things. Remember: readers *want* to believe us writers. But they have a harder time of it when they have to navigate around little errors that could so easily be fixed.

    You have the chops to be a phenomenal writer. The interest is there and the content flows. Just look to give yourself a few "rounds" of text review so that readers don't get snagged on the little things and they can spend their time believing you.
