Sunday, April 21, 2013

Drake ft James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce

Drake is at it once again with another well thought out and put together song. In this track he completely exposes the double standards of love. He uses singer Beyonce as a perfect example. In the majority of her songs she bashes men and says how they're players and sneaky. Pretty much giving men a bad rep. She may not be doing it intentionally; because everyone goes through their own personal problems. As an artist she has a right to share those problems through her songs and videos. But being the superstar she is, almost every female looks up to her. So her problems become theirs.

Drake decided to take heed to this double standard. He used the song "Say my name" by Destiny's Child as a sample. Its sort of a spin off song. Or more like the male version to the song. The lyrics aren't confusing or mind boggling. But they are certainly powerful and hit home. Simply because so many can relate to the problems displayed in the song. This is why Drake has gained so much stardom. In a lot of his songs, he speaks about the daily problems of many. Everyday situations for many such as relationships, family, and trying to make it in life.

The idea of love nowadays is certainly tainted. Due to artists like Beyonce. They just scold men. But in reality men and women do the same thing. What men do is just glorified because females aren't afraid to speak about their feelings. But men are, because they don't want to seem soft. This may be the reason why drake is heavily admired. He isn't afraid to speak on his feelings.

"Say my name say my name, when no one is around you say, baby I love you, if you ain’t running games". Drake used the chorus from the original song as his chorus. This is substantial in proving the whole double standard. "You got your fair share of admirers that call your phone. You try to act like it’s just me, but I am not alone". Just like how females are nervous about women on the side calling their loved ones phones, men are nervous about it too. As you can see, there is a clear standard here. Women play the victims, and men are seen as the problem. But in reality its all the same. It just depends on who does what. Drake brings light to this problem


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