Thursday, April 4, 2013

Capital STEEZ - Free The Robots

The passing of rapper Capital STEEZ of the collective rap group, "ProEra" was such a tragedy. A young mc on the bubble of being one of the top lyricists today. Speculation went around various social media websites stating that he had committed suicide, but no one was certain. Joey Bada$$, a friend and fellow member of ProEra later confirmed that his death was "self inflicted". Meaning that he did commit suicide. Joey Bada$$ confirms Capital STEEZ's death
Capital STEEZ & Joey Bada$$
This was definitely shocking to Joey and the rest of the ProEra simply because everything was going right for them. ProEra was on their way to stardom. There has got to be more to this death. Could there possibly conspiracy going on here?

Anyone that actually listens to STEEZ's lyrics in depth can easily notice that he is no stranger in taking shots at the government in search to expose them. In fact the whole "ProEra" movement is about enlightenment per say. The young men in this group are extremely intelligent and use their lyrics and youth as tools to reach out to young individuals and enlighten them on what is really going on in our country. This is exactly what Capital STEEZ did in this track called "Free the Robots".

The video starts off with him on a couch watching flipping through TV channels. This immediately represents culture in the United States now days. Television has had a major part in the brainwashing of minds. "Illuminati tryin' to read my mind with a eagle eye, and the haze got me thinkin' why? We killed Osama and plenty innocent people died, we should see the signs, but we Stevie blind". This is probably the strongest and most thought provoking way to start a song, with lyrics like these. Capital STEEZ is stating how the Illuminati, the new world order, is trying to take control of him. He also takes a pick at the Osama Bin Laden situation. Basically saying that we used all of our effort  for one man, when we lost so many in the process. We should all realize this, but the government is blinding us with patriotism. Could this have been done purposely?

Is it possible that the Illuminati could have taken his life because he spoke out about it? It is said that if you attempt to expose the Illuminati to the public, you will be taken out. Many artists or public figures died shortly after speaking out about it. Illuminati assassination list

Throughout the video, Capital STEEZ seems uneasy. Unsatisfied and disgusted by what is going on in the world. "It's a shame that flippin' crack will be the best alternative if you don't make it rappin'. These crack houses and trap houses are trappin' us in and in the end we're gonna remain stagnant, I ain't havin' it". Lyrics This lyric is directed towards the black community. STEEZ is fed up how blacks under poverty circumstances and living in the hood really only have two options to make money. Rapping and drug dealing.

Towards the end of the video you finally see how stressed he is. Capital STEEZ is reaching his limit. He moves towards the TV, and at this point he wants to escape the life he is in now; too much stress. A close up on his eyes are shown which probably represents death. Then video of him walking up stairs and opening a door of illuminating light is shown. Now hes appearing on the TV, and we are now watching him. Maybe this symbolizes him finally escaping the stress and mess that is the world today? Nonetheless, the video and song has a strong message. You will certainly be missed STEELO!


1 comment:

  1. You know, I didn't know until the final image when Capital STEEZ passed away: maybe mention that earlier on? Otherwise, this was a really thoughtful, investigative-reporting piece. You have a knack for journalism. Have you thought to take this further?

    One note: bury those hyperlinks into words right in the sentence used. You have them at the ends of your sentences, kind of dangling there, and I think that can cause some choppy reading.

    Excellent content!
