Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nas - Daughters

Nothing can ever get in the way of the love a father has for his daughter. From the early days that she is born to her late teens, she will be known as "daddy's little girl". Its evident that Nas feels the same way about his own daughter, Destiny Jones, who was born in 1994. The song "Daughters", is off of his newest album "Life is Good", and is basically a shout out to all of the fathers with daughters. Telling the common story of raising a daughter, and how extremely hard it is to do so.

Nonetheless, its not easy to raise child in general but its the psychological aspect that makes it different to raise a girl. In the mind of males, females are thought of as vulnerable. Which is why fathers are so protective of them. They don't want anything bad to happen to them. "When he date, he straight, chip off his own papa; When she date, we wait behind the door with a sawed off." ("NAS LYRICS - Daughters.") There is a clear double standard here. Fathers are in constant worry about their daughters because they know what its like out there. They know how young men act, because they were once that young man. And they've seen women that have been victimized. They don't want that for their daughters.

The fact that Nas is a world renown rapper makes it even tougher. "Never tried to hide who I was, she was taught and raised like a princess, but while I'm on stage I can't leave her defenseless, plus she's seen me switching women, pops was on some pimp shit, she heard stories of her daddy thugging" ("NAS LYRICS - Daughters.") Nas has gained a bevy of wisdom through his rap career and experiences growing up in Queens bridge New York. But the thug part of his persona is whats distancing him from his daughter. He cant find the time to spend with her like he should. Nas simply feels that he isn't setting a good example. Which in result leads to a girl making decisions on her own without the strict but with more of the lenient father. "Although you real, plus a honest kid, don't think I'm slow I know you probably had that chronic lit" ("NAS LYRICS - Daughters.") Nas trusts his her, but doesn't want to be taken as a fool. He knows that she has smoked weed before, because alot of kids her age have. With the social networking era in full swing, it can be a dangerous outlet for people her age. As Nas has had an incident with his daughter destiny posting something on the internet that she probably shouldn't have. "She planted a box of condoms on her dresser then she Instagrammed it"

Towards the end of the song Nas even points to religion. "They say the coolest playas and foulest heart breakers in the world, god gets us back, he makes us have precious little girls" ("NAS LYRICS - Daughters.") Indirectly saying that its almost payback. All you do as a young man is brought back to by gods will you in your older days, as you have to deal with all of the stress and worrying of raising a daughter.

Works Cited

"NAS LYRICS - Daughters." A-Z Lyrics Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. Website


  1. I like that you are trying to analyze Nas's "Daughters." What I think might not work so strongly is the overqualification of how men view daughters and women. Not all men protect their daughters (trust me on this--personal experience). Not all men view women as the weaker sex. But, of course, some do. So what you'll have to do is qualify your statements so that you don't lose readers: how about, "many men..." and then you have limited the statement to the group that fits.

    I would also watch the "you" usage, as it implies that all readers are men who will end up having daughters. Switch that "you" around to a more applicable noun or pronoun.

    After analyzing the song, do you think the content translates to the real world? Why/why not?

  2. I've heard this song before. I see your point about how most single fathers watch their daughters closely. One thing to watch out for that I noticed in your writing is that some of the quotes about the lyrics didn't have parenthetical citations. And also, be careful of capitalization. You forgot to capitalize Destiny's name in the second to last sentence of the second paragraph. Otherwise, good post, just remember to not make assumptions that all fathers treat their daughters that way, because we all know that some don't.

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