Sunday, January 27, 2013

A$AP Rocky - Suddenly

This has got to be one of my favorite songs off of A$AP Rocky's new album, "LONG.LIVE.A$AP". The track is called "Suddenly", and it describes the rags to riches story that he's been through to get to where he is now. Rocky basically gives the listener insight on what life is like as a young kid growing up in Harlem New York. I guess its safe to say that it wasn't the best life, but he embraces every bit of it. Especially in this one line where he says, "Roaches on the walls, roaches on the dresser. Everybody had roaches but our roaches ain't respect us." A$AP Rocky grew up very poor, and at times was homeless. But when he did have a place to live, it'd be completely covered in roaches. Which correlates to the line about roaches on the walls and dressers. A roach is a slang term used to describe a blunt. Which is why they'd be on his dresser. And he says "everybody had roaches but our roaches ain't respect us" meaning that everybody in his hood had roaches, but not as bad as him.

Not only is this track about the bad times hes had, but it also includes good times. "I had good times, its life! Everybody has ups and downs." Says A$AP Rocky in a recent interview. "On the park bench playing checkers, sipping nectar." This line creates an image of Rocky and his closest friends in the neighborhood park just chillin'. Well it does for me at least. "We had cookouts and dirt bikes and dice games and fist fights" These were the typical activities Rocky would partake in growing up. Generally thought of as fun and just something to do.

A$AP Rocky is not just a rapper or fashion enthusiast. He is also somewhat of an activist. Bringing people together of all races and backgrounds is one of his main goals. " I wanna bring different colors, different races, I do." words from A$AP Rock in a recent interview. Discrimination is one thing he does not stand for, because hes been discriminated on, himself. "You my brother, you my kin, f*** the color of your skin." This line is pretty much confirming Rocky's stand on racism. No matter the color of your skin he considers you his family and will show you love like he would his own brother. Which is one of the reasons why hes pretty much had success so quickly and has a wide and diverse fan base. His music is for the masses and not just a certain group of people. "I just want to promote peace, prosperity, and positivity." 

Source: A$AP Rocky Interview (2013)  

Link to Video: Suddenly

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you describe all these lyrics. I don’t really listen to rappers but through this post I was able to understand what the lyrics meant. I do agree that most of the lyrics you've shown here have been influenced by the author’s past. I think it’s very interesting how A$AP Rocky is able to convey his feelings and experiences through music and lyrics. I think the fact that you explained what the lyrics mean gave the reader a better look on how you perceived the song.
